Company Name (ENTER FULL COMPANY NAME) (hereinafter: the Company, SHORT COMPANY NAME) is committed to protecting the confidentiality of personal data and the privacy of our service users. The personal data we collect is used solely to perform and improve our services. We respect the privacy and confidentiality of your data and implement appropriate measures to protect it from potential breaches or misuse. Providing personal data is sometimes necessary to fulfill our contractual obligations. We protect your data in accordance with applicable legal regulations, such as the Personal Data Protection Act (ZVOP-2), the Electronic Communications Act (ZEKom-2), and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

As part of providing its services, SHORT COMPANY NAME collects, manages, processes, and stores the following types of user data:

• Email address

• Name and surname of the contact person

• Company name

• Other data that users voluntarily enter in forms on the website.


The company does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the data entered by users. Personal data is not disclosed to third parties except for contractual processors with whom the company has data protection agreements. The collection of personal data is based on the explicit consent of individuals. The company stores data within the territory of the Republic of Slovenia and does not transfer it abroad. Personal data obtained through the website for inquiry purposes is used exclusively for providing offers.

By giving consent to store, process, and share personal data, for example, when participating in prize draws or subscribing to newsletters, the user allows SHORT COMPANY NAME to process and store this data in accordance with data protection laws. With this consent, the user permits the company to use personal data for purposes such as market analysis and segmentation, notifying about news and benefits through various channels such as email, phone, or Facebook Messenger, and other activities explicitly agreed upon by the user.

The company may process the above-mentioned data for its own purposes until the consent is withdrawn by requesting the deletion of personal data from the database, or as long as necessary to achieve the purpose for which the data was collected, i.e., 3 months for participants in prize draws, 10 years for prize draw winners, or until the subscriber unsubscribes from newsletters or until the operator ceases to operate in the market. During the management of personal data, individuals have the opportunity to request access and update their data in the database.

Individuals can unsubscribe from receiving messages through specific communication channels at any time by sending a message to ENTER EMAIL FOR COMMUNICATION.

The provider has data protection regulated by the Privacy Policy in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act. All regular or part-time employees of the provider who have access to personal and other user data are acquainted with the provisions of the Privacy Policy and the duty to protect personal and other data, and must adhere to these provisions to maintain the confidentiality of personal data and user privacy. The duty to protect personal and other data applies indefinitely even after the relationship with the company has ended.

Users have the right to be informed about the personal data held by the provider, as well as the right to delete this data. The company does not have a designated data protection officer because personal data is not processed to the extent that this obligation would need to be fulfilled. If you have any questions regarding the deletion, processing, or use of your personal data, please contact: ENTER EMAIL FOR COMMUNICATION.

Notification of offer status: We reserve the right to contact you via SMS at the phone number provided during the inquiry process or by email to inform you about the status of the offer.

Notification of overdue obligations: We reserve the right to contact you via SMS at the phone number provided during the inquiry process or by email to inform you about any overdue obligations.

Notifications: By subscribing to marketing notifications, we will use your name, surname, phone number, and email address with your permission for promotional purposes until you unsubscribe. You are subscribed to notifications only if you have checked a specific box that allows subscription to notifications or have subscribed otherwise.

You can unsubscribe from the notification database at any time by sending a message to ENTER EMAIL FOR COMMUNICATION or by clicking the “Unsubscribe” link at the bottom of promotional messages.

Every user whose personal data is collected, stored, and processed by the provider has the following rights regarding these data:

• The right to be forgotten: If an individual no longer wishes the provider to process their personal data, and if there is no legal basis for further storage, they can request the deletion of their data by the provider at any time.

• The right to know how long personal data is stored.

• The right to request correction, deletion, or file a complaint.

• The right to data portability: Individuals can request the provider to send them personal data about them, which they provided to the controller, in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format.

• The right to legal remedy and sanctions: Individuals have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority and the right to legal remedy against the supervisory authority’s decision or in case of non-action by the supervisory authority, as well as the right to compensation and liability.

• The right not to be subject to measures based solely on profiling, analysis, or predictions using automated processing tools.

• The right to withdraw consent: Individuals have the right to withdraw their consent to the continued processing of personal data. Specifically, consent to the processing of personal data for promotional purposes can be withdrawn in writing at any time.

Users are informed that all above-mentioned requests related to exercising rights regarding personal data must be addressed in writing to the data controller, via email to ENTER EMAIL FOR COMMUNICATION.

Users are informed that reliable identification may be required to exercise rights regarding personal data, and the provider may refuse action only if it proves that it cannot reliably identify the user.

Users are informed that the provider will respond to the user’s request regarding the exercise of rights related to personal data without undue delay and no later than one month from receiving the request.

The provider is obliged to protect users’ personal data in accordance with data protection regulations. The provider will not disclose personal or other user data to third parties or enable access to personal or other user data without the user’s explicit consent unless required by state authorities, by law, or in good faith if such action is necessary for legal proceedings or other state authorities, and to protect and enforce the legitimate interests of the provider.

All personal and other data provided by the user during registration on the website, as well as direct ordering of services, including service content, will be protected in accordance with data protection regulations. The provider will not use these data for purposes that would in any way harm the user or any other person. The provider will not use user data for sending promotional emails or other unwanted promotional material, except for sending promotional notifications to which the user subscribes or explicitly agrees. The company may use data in anonymized summary form for statistical analysis purposes. The confidentiality of personal and other user data will not be violated in any form.

The company will contact the user via email if necessary to execute the offer, and via the contact phone number only if additional questions or issues arise during the offer process.

For all your questions, the provider is available via email: ENTER EMAIL FOR COMMUNICATION or at the phone number ENTER PHONE NUMBER from Monday to Friday between 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM.

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